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Building a vibrant and inclusive community

Asante Canada Inc.

Established in February 2024, Asante Canada Inc. is a not-for-profit in Ontario, led by a board of directors with expertise in social services. It aids marginalized immigrant communities from Africa in Canada, prioritizing support for homeless Black Women, Seniors, Newcomers, Youth, low-income individuals, and vulnerable populations in urban areas. It also addresses the distinct needs of individuals in remote or rural regions.


Volunteers In 2020


Families Helped In 2024

$ 0

Funds to be collected


To create opportunities for the people of African Descent in Ontario to fully participate by establishing physical spaces, fostering nurturing environments, advocating for gender equality, improving employment opportunities, enhancing settlement experiences, and addressing health and well-being, income, and housing stability for those experiencing poverty and homelessness.


To build a strong, relevant, and engaged community for people  of African Descent in Ontario.


The following values guide Asante Canada Inc activities and services.

To build a strong, relevant, and engaged community for people  of African Descent in Ontario.

Registration and ticketing made easy

Join the Asante Canada to give help African descent across Canada

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Helping each other can make world better

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